
官宏滔 WangTou Kun(中國)

2022-8-4 16:22| 發(fā)布者:cphoto| 查看:8744| 評論:0

摘要:官宏滔 WangTou Kun(中國)一九九六年出生於澳門,二O一九年畢業(yè)於美國麻省大學(xué)達(dá)特茅斯分校數(shù)碼媒體系輔修攝影系,畢業(yè)后作為商業(yè)攝影師創(chuàng)辦KUN STUDIO攝影公司,曾拍攝多位名人如Audrey Pence, 歐陽娜娜等。二O二 ...

官宏滔 WangTou Kun(中國)

一九九六年出生於澳門,二O一九年畢業(yè)於美國麻省大學(xué)達(dá)特茅斯分校數(shù)碼媒體系輔修攝影系,畢業(yè)后作為商業(yè)攝影師創(chuàng)辦KUN STUDIO攝影公司,曾拍攝多位名人如Audrey Pence, 歐陽娜娜等。二O二O年回澳后作為影像藝術(shù)家進(jìn)行創(chuàng)作,現(xiàn)工作在粵港澳大灣區(qū),生活於珠海。從他最早期的實踐直到現(xiàn)在, 將時代性結(jié)合景觀如建筑、山、水、天、地均是他鐘愛的母題。他從未以忠實地再現(xiàn)這些意象的形象為目的, 而是如何透過這些景像去表達(dá)一個個時代性的主題。從小生長在中西交融的澳門影響他很深,這兩種文化是如何化解矛盾與衝突而融合,又在強(qiáng)烈的對比中產(chǎn)生一種獨特的美。就如他信仰著西方的唯一神,又同時與莊子的世界觀有著某種程度上的共鳴一般。這種美感一直貫穿他的創(chuàng)作脈絡(luò)。作品展出於北京、澳門、珠海、橫琴、廣州、臺灣和美國麻省等地。曾獲IPA攝影獎第三名。作品被私人收藏。

Born in Macau in 1996, he graduated his BFA from the Department of Digital Media at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth with a minor in Photography in 2019. After graduation, he founded KUN STUDIO Photography Company as a commercial photographer. He has photographed many celebrities such as Audrey Pence, Ouyang Nana. After returning to Macau in 2020, he works as an image visual artist. Now he works in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and lives in Zhuhai. From his earliest practice to the present, create landscape image of his understanding of the time which he called “Timescape”. architecture, mountains, water, sky and earth are his favorite. He never aims to faithfully reproduce the images of these objects, but to express the themes of the times through these images. Growing up in Macau, where China and the West are “blended” since childhood, has deeply influenced him. How the two cultures resolve contradictions and conflicts and merge together as new, and in the strong contrast produces a unique beauty. Just as himself believed in God from the West, and at the same time had a certain resonance with Zhuangzi's worldview. This sense of beauty has been running through his creative veins. His works have been exhibited in Beijing, Macau, Zhuhai, Hengqin, Guangzhou, Taiwan and Massachusetts. He won the third place in the IPA Photography Award. Works are in private collections.









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